Online students
Hey new student!
We, the tutors and division members of HUMAKO, would like to welcome you to Humak! We organise activities for students, just for you.
We also maintain WhatsApp groups for new students during the first semester of your studies, after which the tutors will support you on their own channels. If you haven’t yet joined your starter group, you can do so via this link. Groups are available for all types of degrees and for students of the Open University.
For information on other locations, see the New Student Info for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Tampere and Turku. You are welcome to participate in any of the events and activities that are close to you.
Hey continuing student!
We are excited to continue studying with you! Read on to find out what more you can get for yourself in the coming years of your studies.
Before school starts, remember to register as an attendee at Peppi. See you soon!
Student Union HUMAKO
The Student Union HUMAKO is open to all Humak students – that means it’s for you, online student! We organise activities on campus and online. Most of our activities are listed in the events calendar. Join us, because we want to meet you!
Follow HUMAKO’s social media channels:
- Instagram: @opiskelijakunta_humako
- Facebook: Opiskelijakunta.HUMAKO
Tutors are there to help students and provide peer support. You can ask us questions big or small – we tutors are here for you, online students!
You can contact a tutor
- On the eTutor course: discussion forums and tutor tips list
- by e-mail etutor(a)

HUMAKO’s activities
HUMAKO’s events and activities are organised by tutors and sections. As a hybrid-student, you are free to participate in the activities of the different locations.
Follow HUMAKO’s local activities on Instagram, where you can find out more about the activities:
Other activities and events
As a member of the Student Union, you can take part in various activities and events at a reduced price. There is a wide range of activities, including wellness, cultural activities and online courses. Read more about HUMAKO’s membership benefits.
Buy member-priced tickets from our online shop for these Opku+ student club events:
- Arcada Student Union – ASK
- The Student Union of Diaconia University of Applied Sciences – O’Diako
- Laurea University of Applied Sciences’ student union – Laureamko
- Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Student Union METKA
- Turku University of Applied Sciences Student Union – TUO
- The Student Union of JAMK University of Applied Sciences – JAMKO
Get involved in our activities!
The Student Union is student-driven. You can apply to become active in HUMAKO and decide what activities your student union offers. Join our group to make your own and others’ study time more fun!

As a member of HUMAKO you get access to Yogobe video training (norm 220 € / year). Yogobe offers a wide range of following excercises:
- yoga
- Pilates
- meditation
- movement exercises
- body weight training
Practice whenever and wherever you want!
Launch of Yogobe’s online yoga service:
- Join the student union HUMAKO.
- Contact the customer service of your student union at [email protected].
- Create your account according to the instructions you will receive.

Student discounts
Membership of the Student Union HUMAKO is worthwhile, as it gives you a wide range of student discounts and benefits on a variety of services, such as food, drink and student essentials. As a degree student, your HUMAKO membership card also entitles you to local transport, VR, Matkahuolto and Kela student benefits.
As a member, you get student overalls at half price. Sample sizes of overalls will arrive on campus at the beginning of the academic year to try them on.

Better student life
HUMAKO ensures that you can concentrate on your studies and receive quality teaching. You can give us feedback about the university, the student union or other issues that affect your studies. Give us your feedback and we will take it forward!