Membership benefits
As a member of the Student Union, you get benefits and discounts that can help you make significant savings in your everyday life. With a HUMAKO membership card, you are entitled to a range of local and national discounts, which you can access on the Slice mobile app. As a degree student, your HUMAKO membership card also entitles you to the student benefits of local transport, VR, Matkahuolto and Kela.
Through the Slice mobile app, you will find numerous benefits and discounts that will have a positive effect on the student’s wallet. Always check before you buy something to see if you can find a discount!’s events and products
As a member of HUMAKO, you have access to the events and products of eight student unions! In addition to HUMAKO, you have access to their events and products at member prices:
- Arcada Student Union – ASK
- The Student Union of Diaconia University of Applied Sciences – O’Diako
- The Student Union of Haaga-Helia – Helga
- Laureamko – Student Union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences
- rea-ammattikorkeakoulu student union Laureamko
- Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Student Union – METKA
- Turku University of Applied Sciences Student Union – TUO
- Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences Student Union – JAMKO
As a member you get all this with up to half price from Kide-app online store and service points.

Group ticket sales
As a member of HUMAKO, you have the opportunity to buy tickets to popular events more easily than ever! HUMAKO sells tickets to student events around Finland to its members as group ticket sales. This offers a great opportunity to attend many highly anticipated events more cheaply and easily.
Suggest events!
If you have any suggestions on which events HUMAKO should organise group ticket sales for, you can share your ideas through HUMAKO’s communication channels. Your ideas can help to shape the calendar of events to better serve the wishes and needs of all members. Don’t hesitate to get involved and contribute – every suggestion counts!
Yogobe – yoga services online
Yogobe’s video trainings are at your disposal! The Yogobe online yoga service offers a wide range of yoga, pilates, meditation, mobility exercises, body weight training and more. Practice anytime, anywhere – completely free as a member of HUMAKO (normal price €199/year)!
Getting started with Yogobe is easy:
- Contact your student union’s customer service [email protected]
- Create your account according to the instructions you’ll receive.

Discounts to help you be more active in your everyday student life
Get Up Desk -standing desk (-19 %) and Gymba actiovation board(-25 %)
Get your studying ergonomics right! As a member, you can improve the way you study at your desk with the Get Up Desk standing desk and Gymba activation board. Read more about the equipment and how to claim the benefit.
Powerlifting license at student prices
The licence allows you to take part in all competitions under the Finnish Heavy Events Associatoins activities for the duration of the licence. Read more about the sports concerned and how to use the discount.

Macron leisurewear
Do you need uniforms for a sports tournament, new hoodies for an organisation or perhaps uniforms for organisers of a student event? Macron, manufacturer of quality sports and leisurewear, offers products for sports and leisure at discounted prices. Read more about how to redeem your Macron discount.
Helsinki City Running Day
Helsinki City Running Day (HCRD), Finland’s largest running event, attracts more than 10 000 runners every year. As a member, you get a discount on the entry fee:
- Helsinki City Marathon -20 %
- Other routes -10 %
Click here for instructions on how to participate in the event and getting the discount.
HUMAKOn jäsenkirje
Lähetämme sinulle kausittain HUMAKOn jäsenkirjeen. Näin olet perillä ajankohtaisista asioista, jotka koskettavat opiskelijakuntaa, jäsenyyttäsi ja opiskelija-arkeasi. Nostamme esille myös hyödyllisiä jäsenetuja, jotta pääset entistä paremmin hyötymään opiskelijakunnan jäsenyydestä.
HUMAKOn jäsenkirje lähetetään sähköpostiosoitteeseen, jonka olet antanut jäseneksi liittyessäsi. Varmistathan myös, ettei kirje ole hukkunut roskaposti-kansioon.

Report a city! -campaign
Slices’ student benefits are not necessarily the same in all cities. That’s why we invite all Humak students to participate in the “Report a city!” where you feel there are not enough student benefits!
Participate in the survey (opens in new tab) and report a city where you feel there are too few student discounts! Your answers will be forwarded to Slice, which will start to take issue forward.