HUMAKO’s Wappu Letter 2024

It’s finally here, May Day or Wappu has begun!
Whether it’s your first, third, or umpteenth Wappu, it’s famously one of the highlights of the year for students. Wappu is associated with many local traditions and activities such as completing Wappu passes, capping statues and picnics are largely visible on all Humak campus cities.
Wappu events range from eating doughnuts to pub crawls and from playful sports events to coverall parties. By exploring the local selection on the and our compiled list you will surely find something enjoyable for yourself and your friends! Traditionally, Wappu is a very interdisciplinary time and everyone is welcome to most events regardless of their field of study or the color of their coveralls.
This year, HUMAKO has created its own Wappu ”pass”, Humanistiwappu, of which you can read more below.
Jyty – Insure yourself for Vappu!
This year the main partner making HUMAKO’s Wappu possible is the Trade Union Jyty!
The membership of the Trade Union Jyty is extensive, covering over 2000 different professions – including all fields of study at Humak University of Applied Sciences! Additionally, Jyty negotiates on behalf of its members a total of 19 collective agreements.
As a student you can join Jyty for free! You only pay the membership fee if you work for at least 18 hours per week, entitling you to meet the employment condition. As a member of Jyty, you are insured with If’s comprehensive leisure accident and passenger insurance – so don’t worry about possible mishaps during Wappu but instead insure yourself for the celebration!
Moreover, Jyty takes special care of its student members and annually offers a €500 internship grant to thirty Jyty student members. You can apply for the internship grant for unpaid internships lasting over four weeks as part of your studies. The internship grant application is held three times a year with ten recipients selected in each round. You can read more about the internship grant and its application periods here!
As a member, you also enjoy numerous other leisure benefits, including accommodation, sports, and holiday trips. Learn more about Jyty’s membership benefits here and join as a student member today!
HUMAKO’s own Wappu “pass”, Humanistiwappu, is finally here! This inaugural challenge is an excellent option for spending Wappu in a relaxed manner without unnecessary stress.
You can complete Humanistiwappu regardless of your location by participating in two events between April 4th and May 1st! One of the events must be either live or virtual and organized by HUMAKO, while the other can be any event organized by another student union or organization.
The price for Humanistiwappu is 4 euros for HUMAKO members and 8 euros for non-members. When you purchase Humanistiwappu from you will receive instructions for completion, and by attending two events, you will earn yourself a coverall patch! You can either arrange to pick up the patch or have it mailed directly to your doorstep.
Wappu Packages
Are the finishing touches missing from your Wappu style? Do you need a few extra patches or a champagne glass to clink around your waist? Are you longing for a stylish (and practical) belt? No worries – HUMAKO’s Wappu package is the solution to your problems! There are two different Wappu packages available at a very good price.
The Basic Wappu package (price 5€ for members/10€ for non-members, regular price max 9€/18€!) includes one HUMAKO glass and one HUMAKO coverall patch of your choosing.
The Plus Wappu package (price 16€ for members, 32€ for non-members, regular price max 26€/52€!) includes a HUMAKO glass and two HUMAKO coverall patches of your choosing and a HUMAKO belt.
Wappu packages will be shipped to your nearest pickup point and orders placed by Tuesday, April 23rd should arrive by Wappu (May 1st)! Additionally packages can be picked up from the HUMAKO office on Wednesdays, from the Wappu Bingo on April 19th, The Hunt for Humakonda on April 29th and from Kaivarin Wappu on May 1st.
Wappu Events
The HUMAKO team has compiled a concise list of Wappu events from all Humak campus cities. The list certainly doesn’t cover all possible events but it’s a great starting point!
You can easily explore local events and Wappu pass selections on and social media channels. If you encounter any problems or uncertainties, please contact the event organizers directly!
The Metropolitan Area:
- 4.4.-1.5. Lennin karkkipäivä (Laureamko)
- 18.4. Herkkuappro (Laureamko)
- 19.4. Wappubingo (HUMAKO)
- 20.4. Operation Suomenlinna (ESN Helga x ESN Laurea x ESN Metropolia)
- 21.4. Haalaripomppiaiset (HUMAKO x Laureamko)
- 23.4. Pussikalja-appro (Kompleksi)
- 24.4. Haalarinkastajaiset (Helga x Laureamko)
- 25.4. Wappuolympialaiset (O’Diako)
- 25.4. Wappuralli (Laureamko)
- 29.4. Humakondan metsästys (HUMAKO PKS-jaosto)
- 30.4. Wappuaaton etkoilut (Laureamko)
- 1.5. Kaivarin Wappu
- 18.4. Vappusitsit (Linkki Jyväskylä ry)
- 22.4. Vapun Sitsimaraton (JAMKO)
- 23.4. Vappumattia etsimässä (Sporticus ry)
- 23.4. Wappumölkky (Puolue ry x SYY-Jyväskylä)
- 24.4. Vappukuulutus! -korttelibileet (JYY)
- 26.4. Amazing Race Jyväskylä (JYY)
- 27.4. Perhevappu (JAMKO)
- 30.4. Unon lakitus & afterparty (JYY)
- 1.5. Vappupiknik (JYY)
- 18.4. Olutsuunnistus (Puijon Suunta)
- 22.4. Vappukellunta (Preemio ry)
- 23.4. Tertta Testaa – Vapun aloittajaiset (Tertta ry)
- 23.4. Vappuhubailut (Hubailut)
- 24.4. Puijonkadun Appro (SAVOTTA)
- 25.4. Poikkitieteelliset Euroviisu-sitsit vol. 2 (Serveri ry)
- 25.4. Poikkitieteelliset Wabusafari Bileet (Hyeena ry)
- 26.4. Poikkitieteelliset Metsäsitsit (Kulti ry)
- 27.4. Lasersota (KuoLO x Kulti)
- 29.4. Puistositsit (HUMAKOn KPO-jaosto KuoHu)
- 4.5. Vapun vipellys (Hubailut)
- 23.4. Bängeribingo (TUO)
- 23.4. Puistotikki (TIO)
- 24.4. Skumppasäntäys (Trade)
- 24.4. Trokotiilin vappu (TROK)
- 25.4. AaltoApprot (TUO)
- 25.4. Urheilutapahtuma (TIO)
- 26.4. Vapun Tasokkain Piknik (Tasokas)
- 27.4. Live Love Laugh Skumppajooga (Suukko)
- 28.4. Sillis ilman vujui (TUO)
- 29.4. VappuOlutpialaiset (TOY x Koularit)
- 29.4. Röihenkilösitsit (TUO)
- 30.4. Vappuvastaanotto (TUO x Koularit)